“The Easter message speaks concisely of the event that gives us the hope that does not disappoint: ‘Jesus who was crucified has risen’.”

Pope Francis in his Urbi et Orbi Message of Easter 2021, proclaimed inside Saint Peter’s Basilica due to coronavirus safety measures, prayed that the benefits of Christ’s Resurrection will spread throughout the world.

The Pope read his Message and imparted the blessing “to the city and the world” after the celebration of Easter Sunday Mass.

His message is full of references to those conflicts and sufferings of humanity today, and ends with a prayer for reconciliation and hope.

About the pandemic, he asks “to overcoming delays in the distribution of vaccines and to facilitate their distribution, especially in the poorest countries.”

easter bessingHe mentions “those who have lost their jobs or experience serious economic difficulties and lack adequate social protection”; “all those young people forced to go long periods without attending school or university”; or “all restrictions on freedom of worship and religion worldwide”.

Also, he prays for those with situations of dramatic poverty or suffering conflicts and violence, like the people of Haiti; the young people of Myanmar committed to supporting democracy; migrants fleeing from war and extreme poverty; the war in Syria, in Yemen, and in Libya; “peoples of Africa who see their future compromised by internal violence and international terrorism, especially in the Sahel and Nigeria...". “May the Lord, who is our peace, help us to overcome the mindset of war”, the Pope adds.

To Israel and Palestine, he asks that they “rediscover the power of dialogue for reaching a stable solution that will enable the two states to dwell side by side in peace and prosperity”. To Iraq “that it may continue along the path of peace”.

April 4, date of Easter Sunday this year, marks the International Awareness Day against anti-personnel landmines. Pope Francis said that is a scandal that during this pandemic “armed conflicts have not ended and military arsenals are being strengthened”.

Here you can read or download Pope Francis Easter Message in English, French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish.


TA Info.
Photos and text to download: Vatican.va website.



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